About Us

Our collaborative travel blog aims to build travel equity by pooling and distributing travel advice and resources from different perspectives, catering to those who don't often see themselves in travel promos.

Why the name "Breakfast Included"?

When booking budget friendly trips, I usually aim to book accommodations with breakfast included. You get a free meal and don't have to worry about spending money on your next meal until later. Often times the food was plentiful and good (China, Peru), other times you're left with toast and a boiled egg. Either way, it was a free meal to start your day.

Breakfast Included Travel Blog aims to show that YOU can travel and that you deserve to.

Don't have the budget? We got you.

Don't have any friends who can join you? We got you.

Let us help you with the "how?" of the equation.

For the rest, check out our ever evolving recs directory.

Brands & Creators Increasing Travel Equity

We feature content from the following creators, bloggers, and travel brands who share their travel advice and experiences, showcasing equitable travel experiences for others to follow in their footsteps.

View all our contributors

Call for Writers and Contributors

We're looking for the following materials:

  • Blog Posts
  • Itineraries (1 day to 2 weeks)

Topics needed:

  • Traveling as a single parent
  • Study abroad experiences
  • Plus Sized experiences
  • Nudism
  • General safety
  • Expat experiences
  • Chronic illness/disabled experiences

If you'd like to discuss a partnership, email travelequity [at] breakfastincluded.co with the subject "Partnership".

Member Accounts

We're looking for testers!

Case Study: Tribe

The Tribe case study is the creation of an app concept aimed at breaking through barriers when it comes to travelling and meeting new people to create memorable bonds and community.

Breakfast Included is a spin-off of this research to enable users to find and build communities that relate to them in order to have safe travel experiences where they otherwise might not have found that possible.

Read Case Study