From Challenges to Liberation: How 2023 Redefined My Notion of Freedom

In 2023, I can confidently say I achieved my definition of freedom.

What is freedom to you?

  • Is it wealth?
  • Is it safety?
  • Is it health?
  • Is it more time to do what you love?

In a beginning...

2023 started off very painfully for me. Sparing specific details, I ended up taking a medical leave from work.

In addition, this year was the first year I started putting more effort into tracking my annual patterns to help drive some of my decision-making. There are two (2) periods in the year that I have marked on my calendar as "transits".

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In 2023, I can confidently say I achieved my definition of freedom.

What is freedom to you?

  • Is it wealth?
  • Is it safety?
  • Is it health?
  • Is it more time to do what you love?

In a beginning...

2023 started off very painfully for me. Sparing specific details, I ended up taking a medical leave from work.

In addition, 2023 was the first year I started putting more effort into tracking my annual patterns to help drive some of my decision-making. There are two (2) periods in the year that I have marked on my calendar as "transits".

During the first transit, I typically spend that time contemplating and then finally making a "big" decision.

During the second transit, I'm wrapping up the tasks related to that decision and spend the rest of the year reflecting. Sometimes it's a tumultuous time of consequences, and others, a peaceful time of stillness.

First Transit

This year, after learning my living situation would change (in a good way!), I decided to sell my house and move to Central America indefinitely. This was going to happen no matter what.

Do you want to know what happened once I made that decision? Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING fell into place to support my journey.

What Did This Look Like?

  • I told my job early on (months in advance) about my plans, and instead of parting ways, they worked out a way for us to continue our business relationship.
  • I found out a contact I hadn't spoken to in years had been living in Costa Rica, and we reconnected!
  • During a call to turn off my home security, my customer support agent mentioned that he used to live in Costa Rica.
  • I sold my house during the least opportune time off the year. It went under contract and closed in no time. I was prepared for the worst.

There were so many more dings and nudges like this throughout the year, I'm only sharing a snippet of the synchronicities I encountered with you.

A collection of items placed in my garage to be picked up and disposed of. Taco, my Chow Chow is in the shot walking away.
Everything I couldn't sell, or didn't want to store, I schedule to have taken to the dump. (Not Taco, he was just in the way, haha).

Second Transit

In October, I left my home state with Taco in tow to begin my journey of leaving the country. We first road tripped from MD to FL and then flew out of Ft Lauderdale into Liberia, CR.

It's an adjustment. I'm not eager to go home, but I want to be careful about selling a false fantasy.

I love the flora and the fauna. I love the people and the culture. I love the micro climates. I love trying new foods and different restaurants.I miss many luxuries from home, like a/c, hot showers, and being able to flush the toilet tissue.

I'm adjusting and I love my new nomadic life. I love having slow mornings. I love not feeling bad about resting when dealing with chronic illness.

I'm free.

I can do what I want because I'm the architect of my life.

Anything can happen to change all this...

And I'll just rebuild again.

Off the Cutting Room Floor

Here are pictures from our trip, starting our drive from Maryland to Florida, flying from Ft Lauderdale to Liberia, then driving from Liberia to San Jose.

No items found.

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